Celebrating a Century:
Stories of Service and Success
What is your favorite memory from your time working at the bank?
Lots of funny memories—but one that can be written (many shouldn't be recorded) was the day—I think it was in the afternoon—Kay Timmons said, “Did you know you have on two different shoes?”
Debbie Harris
Coming to work after a difficult conversion and finding $100 bills taped to the wall for each employee in appreciation of hard work and "hanging in there."
Becky Blackford
Things I liked during my 34 years of work experience at LBT: Linda Johanson and I were counting money Saturday noon in the vault with the inner door shut. (My drawer was probably off.) All of a sudden, we heard the vault door close. We hollered and heard Jim say, “Well, this door cannot be opened ‘til Monday.” We believed him for a few minutes.
Saundra Loveall
Wrapping loose coins and cleaning out the storeroom at the old bank building on the west side of the square. I think I was ten or eleven years old. James F. O'Neal
I have several memories, but the first one that comes to mind is our Christmas parties, especially when we went to Branson. The next would be Customer Appreciation Day when we cooked hamburgers and hot dogs and had several hundred customers in one place.
Maureen Moyer
The first Christmas I started: Elizabeth Bell, Bookkeeping Supervisor, cut a small Christmas tree and brought it in--decorated plus great punch and wonderful decorated cookies. Another Christmas my teller window caught on fire from a candle. What a surprise to see and what a mess! My kids pictures burnt up! It was a definitely a memory—but not a favorite.
Linda Johanson
What made the bank a special place to work during your time here?
Working with so many people and spending each day with a group of “friends.”
Debbie Harris
Working for people who care about their employees. I worked under presidents Ray, Jim, Danny, Tom, and Pat. Each one had his own style of management, but they all made you feel appreciated. And then, working with so many wonderful coworkers who also became friends.
Becky Blackford
I really liked everyone I worked with, and we felt like a big family. Everyone looked out for each other and helped.
Saundra Loveall
I had the privilege to work with great people and assist them with their financial goals and needs.
James F. O'Neal
For the most part, we were a close-knit group. Not only did we work together but also laughed together and cried together like a family. I also loved the interaction with our customers, and I really miss that.
Maureen Moyer
Working together, helping to interact with customers, and making lots of new friends. I loved seeing smiles on our older customers' faces.
Linda Johanson
What does being part of the bank's 100-year legacy mean to you?
I think LBT spends a lot of time serving and trying to better our community. That’s a great mindset and history, and the bank has helped many over the years!
Debbie Harris
I worked for the bank for twenty-seven years, and there are several others who worked here even longer. That speaks volumes. Even though I have retired, I still feel a sense of pride and belonging. I am proud to have had the opportunity to be a part of an organization that cares about and supports the community it serves as well as its employees, and I am excited about its future.
Becky Blackford
Customer Testimonies
What has been your most memorable experience with our bank over the years?
I brought a plan to secure a small business loan to purchase additional land and a center-pivot irrigation system. The bank president called me into his office and offered to finance the project at less interest, which he did.
How has our bank supported you or your family in achieving your financial goals?
By providing operating loans, car loans, etc., when needed.
Why do you continue to choose our bank as your trusted financial partner?
Walter Garfield
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