Providing "A Better Way To Bank"
Lamar Bank & Trust Company is a locally owned and operated full-service financial institution located in Lamar, Missouri. LBT is a leader in technology. Established in 1925, LBT has been a dedicated banking partner for the community for 98 years. Making connections and supporting this community has been our hallmark since inception. While providing solid customer service and competitive banking services, LBT represents "A Better Way to Bank" for our customers.
LBT specializes in personal loans, small business & agriculture loans, and home mortgage products. Loan officers have a good understanding of the local and regional economy. Loan decisions are made locally which provides for quick loan reviews, timely loan processing, and personal customer service.
2023 marked the bank's 98th anniversary. The bank strives to promote a community spirit with active involvement in most all community events and a host of related programs. LBT is an active member in the Barton County Chamber of Commerce, Barton County Community Development Corporation, Missouri Bankers Association, and the American Bankers Association.
New account features, new products, experienced staff, community involvement with dollars invested in the local community all depict what LBT would like to share as part of the community banking spirit.
LBT awarded 5-Star rating for 137th consecutive quarter Earns distinction of “Best of Bauer Bank”
BauerFinancial, Inc., the Nation’s Premier Bank Rating Firm, is proud to announce that Lamar Bank and Trust has once again earned its top (5-Star) rating for financial strength and stability. Having earned Bauer’s top (5-Star) rating for 137 consecutive quarters, Lamar Bank and Trust has earned Bauer’s highest designation as a “Best of Bauer Bank”.
Bauer rates every federally insured U.S. chartered bank with the same strict standards and is pleased to report that Lamar Bank and Trust continues to outperform its peers. What does it mean when we say, “like having a friend in the banking business?”, muses Karen Dorway, president of BauerFinancial. “It means loyalty and dedication. It’s a connection, one that you can rarely find in a big bank. But at Lamar Bank and Trust, it comes naturally. Not to mention”, she continues, “a local bank means local decisions, made by people just like you.”
Being rated 5-Stars by Bauer, the best, most trusted and most convenient place to go for a validated, statistical review of your bank’s financial strength, is the fruit of its labor.
For additional information about Lamar Bank & Trust Company, please contact one of the following officers listed below:
Patrick O'Neal, President & Chief Executive Officer NMLS # 484798
John Gilkey, Executive Vice President & Chief Lending Officer NMLS # 637376
Garry Robinson, Senior Vice President & Springfield Community President NMLS # 710918
Kent Morey, Senior Vice President NMLS # 476675
Brad Williams, Vice President NMLS # 637545
Erin Harvey, Vice President & Compliance Officer
Reece Lehman, Vice President & Cashier NMLS # 1528492
Roman Lehman, Vice President NMLS # 1263226
John Bary, Assistant Vice President
Carla Barnes, Assistant Vice President
Stacy Bilyeu, Assistant Vice President
Tripp Tucker, Loan Officer/Credit Analyst NMLS # 2531044
- Jenni Oeltjen, Vice President & Lockwood Community President NMLS#1135329
- Ciara Garfield, Human Resources Officer & Loan Department Assistant Manager
- Crystal Wolfe, Marketing Officer / Director of Marketing and Communications